

Not content to live with tokenism

Tokenism is being the one black student in a classroom full of white students. It’s being the only Hispanic employee in a predominantly white organization, and it’s when that historically white school or organization says it’s diverse because of that one black or Hispanic student or employee. For me, it’s meant being one of two black students in my class at my Connecticut private elementary school, St. Thomas’s Day School. It’s meant being the only black person in most of…

Really Bad Cooking

Last night, my dinner exploded in my face. I grilled yellow squash. I made two twice-baked potatoes - one for me and one for my partner. (LOL. I'm using this term as you recommended from my other story "Your Baby is a Bastard.") I marinated chicken in italian dressing, and then I baked it. Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep. Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep. The timer on the stove went off. I grabbed the black oven mitts out of the cabinet under the sink, then I opened the…